Take the first step on your Sustainable journey

Drive positive change via your business. Embrace the future with Solu's Sustainability-aaS, where innovation meets eco-conscious strategy. We will work together to reduce your environmental footprint, enhance your business efficiency, and benefit your organization and our planet. Begin your journey towards sustainability today, and be a leader in your industry.

Planet earth first sign on a tree
Trash in the sea next to fish
Person with a sign having there is no planet b

Eco-conscious Business Strategy

Introducing Solu's pioneering Sustainability-as-a-Service. We will educate you and your employees around the need and advantages of building a Sustainable business strategy. Sustainability in business refers to the effect companies have on the environment or society. A sustainable business strategy aims to positively impact one or both of those areas, thereby helping address some of the world’s most pressing problems. Some of the global issues that sustainable business strategies help to address include: deep environmental insights, empowering your business to thrive sustainably. From carbon footprint analysis to comprehensive eco-strategies, we provide the tools and expertise you need to build a resilient, sustainable future. With Solu, sustainability isn't just an initiative; it's the cornerstone of your business growth and operational excellence.

Lets Get Started

Carbon Footprint Assessment

Evaluate your business's current environmental impact through comprehensive carbon footprint analysis, identifying the baseline, and key areas for improvement, and so setting the stage for proactive, targeted sustainability initiatives.

Implement your Sustainable Strategy

Craft bespoke sustainability plans tailored to your business's unique needs and goals, integrating eco-friendly practices into your operations, supply chain, and product lifecycle for long-term resilience.

Green Technology Integration

Leverage cutting-edge green technologies and practices to optimize resource use, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency, driving both sustainability and profitability.

Compliance and Reporting

Navigate the complex landscape of environmental regulations with expert guidance, ensuring compliance and leveraging sustainability reporting as a tool for transparency, stakeholder engagement, and brand enhancement.

Our Process

Embarking on your sustainability journey with Solu is a seamless process designed to align with your business goals while maximizing environmental impact. Follow these steps to transform your operations into a model of eco-efficiency and innovation:


Educate & Inform

Training & Information to your staff around the current Climate situation and the need for action both individually and as a business

Awareness of Needs

Exploration into your Business and Operations today, where you are and what you are doing. How your current business strategy looks through an Environment, Social & Governance lens.


Create a Baseline description & metrics today, for where you are, as a business right now.


Identify improvement areas. Prioritise. Implement a bespoke ESG action plan to allow your business to drive tangible Sustainability improvements.


Positive progress becomes the cornerstone of your external marketing and messaging. Promote your business positively and showcase your leadership in this critical area. Role model your strategic commitment to Sustainability with your Customer, Supplier and Employee audience.

Review & Commitment

Make committed incremental gains, year by year. Building a sustainable company as an ESG leader isn’t a one-off project. It’s an ongoing process that should be woven into the fabric of a company, and by building a structure that can be optimized and iterated on in the future, a company can distinguish itself from their competition.

Embrace Sustainability-aaS

In a world where digital and environmental footprints intersect, embracing sustainability isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. Solu’s Sustainability-aaS ensures your digital operations enhance, not harm, our planet.

Our approach, rooted in GreenOps, streamlines your IT operations for peak efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. It’s smart business that’s also good for the Earth.

Regulatory pressures, consumer demands, and investor expectations are shaping a new business landscape. With Solu, navigate these waters with confidence, avoiding greenwashing while truly reducing your carbon emissions.

Furthermore, Sustainability has also been proven to attract top talent, reduce costs, and boost profits. Sustainability has become increasingly critical for organizations to remain relevant and competitive in today’s world. Retain and attract the best staff. Role model making a positive Environmental & Sustainable influence and preserve the finite resources of our planet.

Lets Get Started
trees hands holding leaves hills with sustainable energy

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask A Question
100% yes. That's what we do. We help you get started and educate you on both the wider Global context, the options open to you specifically for your business and the industry you operate in, and the actionable options open to you. Then as a business you have the necessary information to choose when you adopt the suggested practices.
We understand that beginning this journey can be daunting, especially with the vast amount of information and strategies out there. Our service provides a clear, step-by-step approach to sustainability. So we take time to educate you, key decision makers and employees on the "Why is this necessary and important?", then create a Baseline for where your business is at today. Measuring with metrics is important to drive tangible improvements that can be communicated externally - transparently and consistently, to customers and suppliers. Then we take time to understand your business and industry to look at the "How do we make improvement" options open for sustainability gains. We then support you on creation of your first Sustainability Plan that includes both a pathway to Strategic multi-year intent and more short term specific actionable objectives with associated targets for year 1. Then we support you to look to year 2… and 3 and so on. With the changes in regulation and need for Climate action. This process is very much a journey and not a destination.